Experience and Safety are a Part of Every Pet Surgery
Safety is always a critical part of the care we provide here in Cary, but we take even greater precaution when it comes to pet surgery. Every surgery has its share of risks; therefore, we do as much as we can to tailor your pet’s anesthesia and pain management according to their personal health and needs. Dr. Wallace has decades of surgical experience and ensures that every pet comes out of their surgery in better condition than they were before.

Your Pet is Safe with Us
Trusting your pet into our care to undergo surgery is a big step, and we understand your concerns. Preparation is critical to making sure that your pet’s procedure and recovery go smoothly.
- First, pre-surgical bloodwork is necessary. We need to check for underlying illness and other problems that might interfere with your pet’s surgery and increase their risks.
- Second, monitoring is continuous. One of our technicians will be carefully watching over your pet throughout the surgery, checking their vital functions and adjusting the anesthesia as needed.
- Third, staying warm is important. During surgery, it is natural for your pet’s body temperature to decrease, but this can lead to hypothermia. To keep them warm, we use blankets, warm IV fluids, and even small socks for their feet.
- Lastly, we provide constant monitoring, pain management, and temperature management when your pet is out of surgery to keep them comfortable as they are waking up.

Surgeries We Offer
We provide surgical services to help with many different conditions involving the soft tissues, but we also offer standard orthopedics such as hip removals and fracture repairs.
Experience and Proficiency in:
- Abdominal surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Ocular surgery
- Ear surgery
- Basic orthopedics
- Cosmetic skin surgery
- Tumors/cancer removal
- Spays/neuters
- Oral surgery

Let Us Know if You Have Questions
Give us a call at (984) 238-2284 to find out if we offer a certain procedure, or if you have any concerns about your pet’s surgery that you would like to discuss. We are always available during office hours to address your questions and give you peace of mind.